Our Journey

Krap Products: A Legacy of Sweet Success

Krap Products is more than just a local chocolate manufacturer – it’s a testament to the passion and perseverance of its founder, Md. Redur Rahman. A man whose life story is interwoven with the rich tapestry of Bangladesh’s history, and whose dedication to quality has brought smiles to countless faces.

Born in 1952 in the tranquil village of Sarishabari, Jamalpur, Redur witnessed the dawn of Bangladesh’s struggle for independence. His heart, like the land he loved, yearned for freedom. He joined the valiant ranks of the freedom fighters in 1971, risking his life for the future of his nation. This unwavering commitment forged in him a spirit of resilience and an unshakeable belief in the power of hard work.


In 2009, driven by a lifelong love for chocolate and a desire to build something of his own, Redur embarked on a new journey. He started Krap Products with a simple dream: to share the joy of delicious, high-quality chocolates with his fellow Bangladeshis. He began with the iconic Dairy Milk chocolate bar, using his innate understanding of taste and local preferences to create a product that resonated with the Bangladeshi palate.

From its humble beginnings, Krap Products has grown into a thriving enterprise, carried on Redur’s strong shoulders. His unwavering commitment to honesty and hard work has been the cornerstone of the company’s success. He believes in treating his employees like family, fostering a culture of dedication and shared purpose.

Throughout his journey, Redur has remained rooted in his values. He is a staunch advocate for prosperity and welfare, not just for his company, but for the entire country. He actively supports local communities and charities, striving to make a positive impact beyond the realm of chocolate.

Krap Products is a living testament to Redur’s unwavering spirit. It’s a story of courage, passion, and a deep love for Bangladesh. Each bite of a Krap chocolate tells a tale of resilience, community, and the unwavering belief that even the simplest things can bring immense joy.

Today, Krap Products stands as a symbol of Bangladeshi excellence, a testament to the power of dreams, and a promise of happiness in every bite.